Friday, November 11, 2005


I hate people who don’t vote.

I rarely ever meet people like this but unfortunately I ventured out of my apartment Wednesday (Note to self: bad idea) and met someone who told me they didn’t vote.

Not, “I completely forgot to vote.”
(Which is inexcusable considering the sheer number of ads put up by the Guvenator, the unions, and the Dems in support or defiance of the no less than seven propositions on Tuesday’s ballot.)

Not, “I was on my way to vote but got in a car accident.”
(Which is a pretty good excuse; though I will say my grandma had a heart attack when she went to vote during the 2000 election, but still managed to vote before the ambulance arrived to meet her at the polls. My family is pretty dedicated to participatory democracy.)

Not, “I’m an undocumented immigrant.”
(Which is valid.)

But instead, I got, “The props were all stupid and the whole thing was a waste of money. I’m not a big voter, anyway.”

That is retarded. I can not emphasize enough how asinine that reasoning is. I immediately filled with hate and could only muster:

“Hmm.” While nodding. Then I walked away, never to see that sorry bastard again.


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